Sunday, July 31, 2011


summer camp is something that i look forward to every year with my high school students. this year was somewhat of an exception because it snuck up on me. i was so caught up in wedding festivities that there was a list of things i forgot such as a camera, refrigerator, fan, and other little things. i was exhausted going into a week which would be emotionally, mentally, and physically demanding, but from the moment we arrived up the mountain, God just gave me a sense of peace and joy. i saw God working through students to start healing wounds that they never before wanted to acknowledge and brokenness from situations they felt they couldn't forgive themselves. it was such an awesome time to spend with students and leaders to help build a community that truly loves like Christ loved us. God is good and continues to show His faithfulness in my life.

in other news, i leave in less than a month for india. please pray as i apply for my visa and begin to pack and mentally prepare for life in kolkata. i am still short of my financial support goal so pray that God will provide the rest of the support.

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