Friday, September 20, 2013

What if we knew the end of the story?

Stories were a huge theme at camp this summer. We each have a story and different people are weaved into our story throughout our lives. Some stay for a while but then we lose touch or move on to new seasons while others are a consistent part of our story for our entire journey. A friend once asked me what the end of my story would look like if I got to write it. We both knew that ultimately God is the only one who knows how our story ends but it was fun to dream about my future husband and kids for just a few minutes. I know the plans God has for me are more than I can ever hope and dream of for myself and He is the author of my story. 

This question has been on my mind as I hope and dream about my time in Peru, but as I thought about it the question changed into what would I do if knew how my story would end. Would we take a chance on love if we knew it would work out in the end? Would we apply for our dream job if we knew would wouldn't be rejected? Would we take that trip to visit a friend if we knew it would restore our soul? Would we quit our job to pursue our passions if we knew we would always be provided for? Would we take a semester off school if we knew we would still get a degree? I am often asked why I have chosen to pursue a life among vulnerable people around the world and my response has simply become why not. Why would I not seek to build friendships with the poor? Why would I not have a desire to spread the love of God through friendship? Why would I not take a leap of faith and trust that God will catch me? I hope that when my story ends, people will remember for the love I poured out and the ways God used me because I was willing to say "Why not?"

"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." Matthew 6:34 (The Message) 

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