Sunday, July 28, 2013


Nicknames are things that are given by those who know and love us. I have been given many over my lifetime such as natalie rattalie, cookie, natasha, mondegini, sujata, muzungu mulalu and natal snake. These names all represent very specific times/events in my life so when I hear people calling me these names it brings back a flood of memories.

This week at camp a youth group that I worked with for four years was there and from the opposite side of camp I hear "NATAL SNAKE" and I knew exactly who that student was. It brought back all the good times I had with that group but also the growing pains of being asked to move on from that group. It was fun watching two of my worlds collide as my staff learned more about me through my students and they vow to start using "natal snake" which I am okay with.

A very real anxiety I have about moving my life to Peru is that I will not find community that will love me and allow me to be broken. The community at Forest Home is so comfortable for me because this is my second summer and God has brought people around me who will walk with me through the fear and anxiety of these next steps. I often compare camp life to Disneyland because we are all living, working and serving together which gives us time to be intentional with each other. I know God is a God of provision and He knows the desire of my heart and will provide community for me in Peru because He is calling me there. I will choose to trust in His provision as I leave camp for the last time in a few weeks. I trust that He will bring people around me at home that will listen and pray through my fears but also encourage me in my joy. As January draws nearer and the pre-departure checklist becomes a priority, I know God will provide for my every need and I will trust that He will guide every step and conversation along the way.

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