Saturday, August 17, 2013

Leaving Camp

This was written last Sunday as I looked forward on my last week of camp.

Last night was the Forest Home summer staff banquet which is a time of celebration as the summer comes to a close. It is fun to see what everyone looks like cleaned up and dressed up when so much of our time is spent being covered in dirt, mud and sweat. It helps remind us of the good times we shared this summer and we can joke about all the crazy, weird, strange hard moments we had as we served campers this summer. As I looked at the pictures that were taken last night, I noticed I have laugh lines and slight crows feet when I smile. I see those as a reminder that I have laughed a lot in my 27 years. This summer I have laughed so hard I have cried but also cried so much that all I could do was laugh when my tears ran out. I have had the opportunity to walk with campers through some really hard stuff and see God’s healing hand in such a real way. Last week, a camper handed over razors that they had once used to hurt themselves because they realized they are a God’s child whom He loves. It was so cool to pray for the camper and the counselor as they headed down the mountain where the same trials and temptations exist. It is a comfort to know that God loves that student and will continue to pursue them.

On Friday, we will pack up and go back to real life. I like to compare working at camp to living at Disneyland. I have had the opportunity to spend time getting to know amazing people that have served as my cheerleaders as I walk through the process of moving to Peru. Each conversation was a gift and usually came just at the right moment. I appreciate the vulnerability of the staff as they allowed me into their pain and joy so that we were able to seek God through our brokenness. Sometimes there weren’t words to adequately describe what we were going through so we just sat laughed or cried together. I will miss this place and these people as real life begins next week.

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