Sunday, September 4, 2011

our first experience with la cucaracha...

as we continue to explore this awesome yet confusing city of winding streets and directions based on landmarks, we find joy in the little things like finding a restaurant with sweet tea and beautiful skies painted with amazing clouds. this was our day yesterday which also included our first encounter with our friend la cucaracha or for you english speakers, mr. cockroach. after an amazing day with included coffee and the famed india tea house, where kolkata's brightest minds have gathered for many years, and an amazing food find at food station, taylor discovered a little friend (mr. roach) had made her suitcase it's dwelling place. there was screaming and jumping on the bed and some vomiting on her part. it provided much needed laughs especially when she said "i would rather lick indian money than have a roach in my bag!" (just as a frame of reference for this statement, they do not use toilet paper over here so the money is not exactly the safest thing on the planet to lick.)this was the bright spot of our weekend so far.

i have been in kolkata for a week now and i am starting to feel like a real person in this city of what seems to be constant chaos. we moved to our home stay today and it is beginning to feel real. this is what my life will be for the next four months. tomorrow we start working at sari bari and exploring the city on our own. there are sights and smells that will take time to get used to but God is good and God is faithful and i trust that He will provide for my every need. i see the beauty in the little things around the city like an amazing sky full of billowy, white clouds. children laughing as they play in the water fountains. the laughing of women as they talk about life. so far the city has welcomed me with open arms and piercing stares. tomorrow starts real life.

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