Tuesday, September 13, 2011


as i was riding the bus today to shishu bhavan (mama t's), i was praying and God gave me the word "shundor", which in Bangla means beautiful. I made it a goal today to notice all the beautiful things in this city which at times seems to only have ugliness and darkness. When we started working with the kids this morning, I was working with sandra, a girl that is all smiles all the time. today when she smiled, I could see her face as a beautiful gift from God. He loves her. i also walked around the room with Andeep and he looked up at me with a trusting gaze that he knew i would not let him go. this is the beauty of trust. on the way home, i rode an auto which i was expecting to pay 7 rupees. i handed the driver exactly 7 rupees and he handed me back 2 rupees. This is the beauty of honesty in a city that continually tries to rip me off. it is the small things in this city that i choose to see as beautiful. what if we each looked for the beautiful in normal everyday things?

yesterday was someone's birthday at sari bari and there was an amazing sense of joy and happiness that permeated everyone's attitude. it was so much fun watching them give the gift of a beautiful sari with such pride. their faces lit up with such joy as the birthday girl walked in the room. it was followed by cake and an awesome dance party. when it is someone's birthday here, people put frosting on the birthday person's cheeks. yesterday i felt like part of the sari bari family when one of the women put frosting on my face. it is so much fun being able to practice bangla with them, even though its usually an epic failure on my part. i am looking forward to being able to have meaningful conversations with these women and speaking truth and love to them. God sustains me by showing me joy and beauty in the little things each day.

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